Aramsco Pro's Corner Blog

How to Provide a Perpetually Good Experience for Your Customer Long after your Visit is Over

Written by Michelle Smith | 7/11/22 10:48 PM

What does every company have in common?

Whether you just started or have been in business for 20+ years…the answer is CUSTOMERS.

Customers: who we want, who we market for, who we work so hard to please, and who we need to stay in business. The end goal is to make sure your company is the one that catches their eye; the one they choose.

So how do you do that? We all know you have to get yourself out there; you need to make sure that customers believe you are the best and ready to help at any time - during any circumstance. We do this with service advertisements and free promotional products, but how do you guarantee customer retention for your business? How do you get them to call you back again or recommend you?

You don’t build a loyal customer base with your business card, your website with the fabulous before and after pictures, or the free samples you left behind.

Customers primarily come back to you because of their experience.

I don’t want to discount marketing. Marketing is important and is a major part of attracting customers; it can deliver amazing results when done right. However, you can’t outshine BAD customer service and BAD reviews. The overall experience is what your customer remembers, and they discuss it with their neighbors and coworkers.

Your customers talk about how they were treated: were their concerns heard, were you respectful of them AND their space and most of all do they believe they got what they paid for?

You should always remember that YOU are entering THEIR home or business and that you have an impact on how they are representing themselves and their property to others.


How to Retain Your Customers

Your goal should not be just to earn a customer’s business, but also to KEEP the customer. Specials and low prices will only create customer loyalty for so long (sometimes just one visit). People are always willing to pay more for a great job but, more people are willing to pay more for a great job performed by a reliable business that focuses on communication, and most importantly making them a priority.


1. First off, the services you offer should be as descriptive as possible.


Your customer should always know what their options are and what they are paying for. If you are too vague on social media or your website it can come back to bite you. People are willing to call or email for more information, but most times they are looking for quick, informative facts beforehand. Sites that lack basic details with only a photo and a contact form will usually cause the customer to click somewhere else. 


2. But, let’s say you have your marketing game on point and you’ve booked the appointment— now what?

Obviously, you are there to do the job, but, have you thought about how you’ll greet the customer? We’ve been told over and over that the first impression is the most important one and it is.

Are you representing your company as a professional with a good attitude? Always approach the customer in the way you would expect from someone coming into your home or property. Have you gone over the service once more so they completely understand what will be done and what to expect? Are you mindful of children, pets, and other circumstances that may put a hiccup in your visit? Customers should always be given instructions beforehand on precautions and the steps necessary to keep everyone safe. This helps prevent unnecessary accidents, and frustrations, and helps your visit go as smoothly as possible.

3. To some contractors, these may seem like small things, but when you disregard the importance of this part of your business interaction, you’re setting yourself up for a less than ideal visit.

Think about what you plan to do when the customer calls after you leave when they say “This wasn’t done and that wasn’t done,” or the “Technician was rude and unprofessional”? This may seem unimportant after your visit, but how much energy are you spending on this customer now? At this point, you may have ended up doing extra work on your dime for a customer that, more than likely, will not call you again or even think about recommending you. This is why a simple and professional walkthrough with the customer before the service helps to make certain all expectations are understood and everyone is on the same page.

The visit is over, so that’s it right? Wrong. The best step you can take is to reach out to your customer and request feedback about their experience. This is a HUGE benefit to your business. Ask them, how was your work? How was the technician? HOW CAN WE DO BETTER?

You can easily get your customer’s insight by asking your customers to fill out a survey or leave a review. Gathering this information is the best way to know what you are doing right and where you need to step up your game. Keep in mind that the most satisfied customers aren’t always the ones most likely to leave a review. In fact, it is the unhappy customer that is going to go out of their way to express their dissatisfaction, so make sure you give all of your customers a nudge to tell you what they think.

However, just getting customer feedback isn’t where this process ends. Make sure you are responding to and thanking customers for their input, even if it is not what you wanted to hear. Don’t take negative feedback personally, instead see it as a learning experience and an opportunity to do a better job next time. Even an unhappy customer will appreciate that you care enough to ask for feedback, regardless of their review.


4. So now that the customer has used your services and given you their feedback, what are you doing for repeat business?

Are you following up with your customers? When did they have their last service? If you aren’t taking advantage of these opportunities you are selling yourself short. If months fly by half as fast for your customers as they do for the rest of us; they most likely need another visit.

  • What is your process?
  • Do you keep track of your customers’ last sale?
  • Is someone following up with them when springtime or the holidays start rolling around?
  • This is something to keep in mind. This can be done with a phone call or an email and is a great time to think about investing in a program that will help you to do this automatically.
  • You work a physically demanding job. For most of you, business is conducted away from the office. Having a system that will help pick up the slack for you is a huge benefit when it comes to keeping customers and acquiring new ones.
  • Think about reaching out to the customer before they even start thinking about what they need. Keep in touch and remind them about “why” they chose you in the first place.

Recap: Steps to Retain your Customers

Staying successful and retaining your customers is the goal, so always keep these points in mind:

  • Own your errors and don’t make excuses. Excuses instantly make your words futile. Be honest and work to accommodate your customer as much as possible. Remember, they are paying you for a service and expect an exceptional one; they don’t owe you anything.
  • Every customer is important regardless of how much they spend on your services. Word of mouth is beneficial no matter who is spreading it.
  • COMMUNICATE and RESPOND about delays, setbacks, etc.! don’t leave your customer in the dark. The dark will come back to haunt you; your customers will be more understanding and forgiving if they are informed.
  • Ask for feedback!
  • Reach out to your customers to check on their current needs. Send out promotional incentives and reminders about why it is time to call you for their next service.
  • Make your customers a priority and they will be loyal.