Pro's Corner

Embracing The Mindset of Quality

It is evident that our society has moved away from the value of quality in a lot of consumer items. The proliferation and success of retail and…

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Cleaning Paradigm Shifts of the 21st Century - Part Three: Regulatory

As a reminder from Parts One and Two: A paradigm is a way of looking at something from a different viewpoint. A paradigm shift is the action, trend,…

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Cleaning Paradigm Shifts of the 21st Century - Part Two: Transformative

As a reminder from Part One: A paradigm is a way of looking at something from a different viewpoint. A paradigm shift is the action, trend, or…

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Cleaning Paradigm Shifts of the 21st Century, Part One: Evolving

A paradigm is a way of looking at something from a different viewpoint. A paradigm shift is the action, trend, or movement away from the status quo,…

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Rugs Business Carpet

Stewardship of Resources

Stewardship Principle

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Chemistry Business

Exploding Myths About Hiring Quality Candidates in a Job Market that Has Irreversibly Changed

You've probably read a lot of articles about hiring. My hope is that this one will be different. In this post, I want to explode the common myths…

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Business Grow your business

What Are the Differences Between Business and Personal Loans? Why Does it Matter?

In today’s volatile economic environment, people are being more cautious when it comes to loans and borrowing money. When it comes to financing your…

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Business Business Finance

Why is There Never Enough Cash? 6 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow

Sales are up, and profits are good… why can’t my business pay our obligations?

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Business Business Finance

6 Tips to Prepare Your Business for a Recession

Rising gas prices, inflation, and overall higher costs are very real these days and could indicate an upcoming recession according to economic…

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Stop Wasting Money on Marketing Before Doing These 3 Things

Have you ever found yourself on social media scrolling through the comment section? If so, you're probably familiar with being greeted by a cesspool…

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Business Targeted Marketing

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