Pro's Corner

Tom Forsythe

Tom Forsythe
Tom Forsythe has worked as a chemist for Aramsco since 2001 and has developed more than 200 products. These products are used in several brands including Bridgepoint Systems, Hydro-Force Viper products, Groom solutions; OmniPro, and many private labels. He has written numerous magazine articles and blog posts and has taught oriental rug cleaning and leather cleaning classes across the country. At a height of 6’6”, Tom remembers being a good basketball player.

Recent Posts

Floodwater Restoration Procedure: The Pittsburgh Protocol

This procedure is known as the Pittsburgh protocol. Its use is advised for structures that have been exposed to Category 3 water (mainly rising…

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Restoration remediation

Reliable Steps for Removing Pervasive Skunk Odor

The scent of skunk is very pervasive, and it invades every nook and cranny. No odor control will be complete if any areas of the odor are missed.

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Odors deodorization

Crime Scene Cleaning: Fingerprint powder removal isn't gruesome, but it isn't easy, either.

You’ve seen the CSI and police shows where someone’s home or business becomes a crime scene.

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Trauma Cleaning

The Raw Ingredients that Power Improved Cleaning: Agent #9 SUPER SURFACTANT!

One pizza company used the effective branding statement, “Better Ingredients Makes Better Pizza”. This statement holds true to making better cleaning…

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Chemistry special agents

WoolSafe Research: The influence of active oxygen on the colour of wool carpets

For a long time, the WoolSafe specifications for carpet maintenance products excluded the addition of bleaching agents. This “no bleaching agent”…

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Rugs Spotting

WoolSafe Research: The Effect of Enzyme-Containing Products on Wool Carpet

As consumers’ demand for environmentally-friendly cleaning grows, chemical manufacturers strive to formulate greener, safer products. They…

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Rugs deodorization

Tom Forsythe Sits down for an Interview with The Carpet and FabriCare Institute to Discuss Protectors

In April I sat down with The CFI (Carpet and FabriCare Institute) to discuss my background from my days in the oriental rug trade and leather…

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news releases

What Does It Mean to Modify a Stain?

One pizza company used the effective branding statement, “Better Ingredients Makes Better Pizza”. This statement holds true to making better cleaning…

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special agents

Soils Can Have More Affinity to the Cleaning Solution Than the Surface Being Cleaned

One pizza company used the effective branding statement, “Better Ingredients Makes Better Pizza”. This statement holds true to making better cleaning…

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special agents

Special Agents at Work: Controlling Dye-Bleed Agent #6

One pizza company used the effective branding statement, “Better Ingredients Makes Better Pizza”. This statement holds true to making better cleaning…

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special agents


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