Selecting the right fabric prespray has more to do with the fabric than the soil; soil from upholstery is typically particulate soil with body oils…
Tom Forsythe

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Wood floors are almost always finished with a urethane surface coat. The urethane surface coat can be further hardened with aluminum oxide.…
We monitor several social media platforms to provide technical information, answer questions about our products and better understand our customers.…
Sodium percarbonate and sodium perborate (which is not as common) are powdered and stable forms of hydrogen peroxide. The alkaline accelerators,…
As a cleaner, there is a good chance that you live in an area where you are personally involved in conserving water, or your water bill is a…
What is the difference between an acidic neutralizer and an acidic emulsifier? It all depends on the ingredient mix.
Powders naturally have a much longer shelf life than comparable liquids. A high-alkaline powder is safer to handle than a comparable liquid because…
One of concrete’s weaknesses is its natural absorbency of liquids. A concrete densifier makes the surface and substrate of concrete denser. The…
A fundamental change in carpet fibers this century has put polyester and nylon spotting instructions on somewhat different tracks.
Dye bleeding is generally rare in carpets because nylon and polyester fibers are not prone to color loss from water-based cleaning. Dye management is…