Pro's Corner

Call Your Accountant: Your Small or Medium Business is Eligible for Tax Write-Offs

I loathe administrative work. Any time that there’s an unnecessary email I have to write, or I must make a call to my phone company because they…

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How to Remove Tanning Spray from Carpet

Tanning sprays are a combination of oils and dyes that are often difficult to remove.

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Exploding Myths About Hiring Quality Candidates in a Job Market that Has Irreversibly Changed

You've probably read a lot of articles about hiring. My hope is that this one will be different. In this post, I want to explode the common myths…

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Business Grow your business

What Are the Differences Between Business and Personal Loans? Why Does it Matter?

In today’s volatile economic environment, people are being more cautious when it comes to loans and borrowing money. When it comes to financing your…

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Business Business Finance

Why is There Never Enough Cash? 6 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow

Sales are up, and profits are good… why can’t my business pay our obligations?

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Business Business Finance

How Choosing The Right Diamond Tooling Can Save You Money

What does it require to start a concrete grinding or polishing business? First, you need the right equipment, including Grinders, Dust Collectors, or…

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Surface Preparation

Answering Common Questions about Aramsco's Restoration Rental Program

I sat down with Barry Wilson, Alicia Rawlins, and Steve Gallo who help oversee, manage, coordinate, and sell for Aramsco’s Restoration Rentals…

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Restoration Fire and Water Restoration rentals

Profiles in Restoration: Gabe VanDusseldorp Recounts the 6 Most Valuable Lessons He Learned from an Unexpected Career in the Restoration Industry

Gabe VanDusseldorp never planned to work in the restoration industry, but once he unexpectedly fell into it out of necessity he never looked back.…

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Restoration Fire and Water Restoration

Dry vs. Wet in the World of Grinding and Polishing

If you have researched concrete grinding or polishing, you have probably run into the terms “wet or dry”. These terms are often used for how a…

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concrete surface preparation

How do I Clean Filthy, Trashed Carpets?

Procedures: Dry Soil Removal: Vacuum the carpet to remove as much dry soil as possible. It is easier to remove most dry soils before they are mixed…

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carpet cleaning


Where the professionals go to learn about:

  • lead and asbestos abatement
  • professional cleaning
  • mold, fire, and water restoration
  • concrete surface preparation
  • business management

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